Reflection on Art Portfolio One, Major Project

I experience a sense of pride and accomplishment as I reflect on my Art Portfolio One and Major Project. I had the chance to exercise my creativity and express myself through different artistic mediums. I pushed myself to experiment with new methods and media throughout the whole project. As I learned new techniques for using art to express myself, it was a period of learning and development for me. The chance to work on an important project was one of the project's pleasures. Although it was a difficult task, I enjoyed the chance to create something that would have an effect. I felt happy with the outcome because it was a real test of my abilities. The opportunity to work with my classmates was another part of the project that I appreciated. Observing their distinctive viewpoints and taking subject insights from their approaches was motivating. Together, we built a welcoming atmosphere that encouraged us to push the limits of our imagination.

I observe my primary task for the upcoming term as working on the Dean House project, specifically the significance of the location in the building's construction and in particular the earth's geological structures. I made some critical and basic architectural mistakes while designing the Dean House project. I'm hoping to address these issues in my subsequent efforts.

Overall, the Major Project and Art Portfolio One were amazing experiences that helped me improve my architectural abilities and find new methods to express myself. I'm appreciative of the chance and excited to continue learning about the architecture field.
