Research into Okami Architecten (Mirrored Building)

I also wanted to research Okiami Architecten studio's mirrored facade house. Belgian firm Studio Okiami Architecten built a mirrored cladding house called Beli House in Antwerp, Belgium. The project draws based on 1960s design.

Studio founding partner Bram Van Cauter states that their client bought one of those early architectural gems but when inspecting the original structure, the building was too far gone to renovate it to today's standards.


Beli House was designed one-floor building with floor-to-ceiling windows on the ground floor. On the ground floor, the concrete walls divide the interior with large windows but on the first floor's walls were covered full of concrete. The most attractive aspect of the house is mirrored cladding on the first floor. This feature provides privacy and shading.

Separating floors by horizontally covered wood panels is a good idea. Mirrored cladding helps to villa disappear into a forest.


Last K. (2023) Mirrored cladding helps Belgian villa "Disappear" into forest. Available at: (Accessed: February 2023)


  1. Okay, add some text on how this links to your project - in terms of location, design, materials.

  2. Oybek, as we are coming up to the deadline, I want to make it clear that at the moment your blog is not meeting the pass level at assessment. It is important to follow up on the tutorial we had in Week 8 and what we discussed in session in Week 9 and add posts on development of your idea, process, website updates we did in session and so on.


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