Welcome Message

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog. We have started Art Portfolio Two. My objectives as a creative for term three's Art Portfolio Two session are as follows:

I want to take advantage of this chance to explore various materials, techniques, and styles. I'll make an effort to push myself outside my comfort zone and take on new challenges.

Concentrate on Concept: As I work on my pieces, I want to concentrate on the ideas that inspired them. Through my art, I will work to make sure that each item has a certain purpose and expresses a distinct message or idea.

Personal Development: I want to use this session to push my architectural development. I'll ask my instructor and my peers for comments and use them to develop my abilities.

Time management: I'll make a concerted effort to schedule my time properly so that I can give each assignment my best effort. I'll make and follow a schedule as last term I lost marks for inconsistency, giving myself enough time for planning, thinking up ideas, and carrying them out.

Presentation: I'll make effort to give my artwork the best possible presentation. Framing, lighting, and other particulars that can improve the overall impact of my work will be things I pay close attention to.


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