Primary Research - Survey

Using social media, I conducted an online survey for primary research among 11 of my classmates to determine which project drawings they liked I had drawn and I witnessed a huge difference in results. One of the two alternative versions of the project was called "Bloomed" and the other "Did not bloom". Both initiatives sought to mimic bluebonnet blooms in commercial structures. I was very happy to learn from the results that 73 per cent of those polled approved the first "Bloomed" project and 27 per cent approved the "Did not bloom" project.

This result sparked my interest because it highlights the diverse interests and perspectives within our group. Most of those who chose "Bloomed" appreciated the concept of bringing the essence of the blooming bluebonnet into the design of commercial buildings. This selection represents a desire for vibrant and visually appealing structures that reflect the beauty of nature and evoke a sense of joy and optimism.

On the other hand, the minority who chose "Did not bloom" may have been attracted by another aspect of the project. Perhaps they favoured the idea of preserving unopened bluebonnet buds as an expression of potential and anticipation. This aspect suggests an appreciation of the delicacy and mystery of nature.
