Target Market

The target market for a new mall and movie theater building in Houston, Texas can be determined based on various demographic and psychographic factors.

Families and youth

Houston is a city of many different people, including families and young people who want to eat, see a show or go to the movies. Families look for a variety of amenities, including kid-friendly restaurants, shops, and entertainment. On the other hand, young people are often attracted to trendy clothing stores, famous restaurants and movie nights.

Urban Professionals

Houston attracts a large number of urban professionals due to its strong corporate industry. This target demographic is likely to be interested in upscale dining establishments, upscale retail options, and a movie theatre that provides a luxurious and relaxing movie-watching environment.


The University of Houston and Rice University are just two of the many schools and universities located in Houston. College students are often looking for cheap places to eat, casual dining, and movies that suit their tastes. College students can be attracted to the retail centre and movie theatre by offering discounts and hosting events aimed at this demographic.


Houston is a popular tourist destination that attracts people from all over the world and from within the United States. Tourists often want to explore local dining and entertainment alternatives. Tourists looking for entertainment during their visit can be attracted to the shopping mall and movie theatre complex, which offers a variety of shops, unique food options and a variety of movies.

Wealthy buyers

Houston has many high earners. This target market sector may be interested in high-end retail establishments, high-end brands, high-end restaurants, and high-end movie theatres. A shopping mall and movie theatre building can create a rich and exclusive atmosphere and attract wealthy customers.


Greater Houston Partnership. (n.d.) Houston Neighborhoods & CommunitiesAvailable at: (Accessed: May 2023)

Houston First Corporation (n.d.) About us. Available at: (Accessed: May 2023)

U.S. Census Bureau (2021) QuickFacts: Houston city, TexasAvailable at: (Accessed: May 2023)
