Material Research - Metal

Here, I have done metal research and tried to use sustainable materials for my project.

Metal is a versatile, strong and durable material used for strength, durability and resistance in various industries. Metals have unique properties due to the metallic bond that forms a lattice structure between positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons, making them excellent conductors of heat and electricity. Ductility and malleability are defining properties of metals, and copper and aluminium are ideal for electrical wiring, plumbing, and construction due to their ability to be hammered or rolled.

The metal's high tensile strength makes it popular in building construction because it can withstand stress without deforming or breaking, making it suitable for supporting entire structures. Stainless steel is resistant to corrosion due to the formation of an oxide layer, making it ideal for environments with moisture or chemical exposure.

Due to its strength, flexibility and reputation, a metal building is ideal for residential and commercial use. Its strength, durability and economy make it suitable for large buildings such as skyscrapers. Other common metals include aluminium, copper, and zinc, each with unique properties for different applications.

Metals with a high strength-to-weight ratio, such as steel and aluminium, can handle a lot of weight while being very strong and lightweight. In addition, they can survive fires, earthquakes and adverse weather conditions.

Another advantage is that it is a very flexible material that can be quickly adapted and made to suit any construction requirement, from basic shapes to complex ones. It can be used with other building materials to build the necessary buildings. It also requires little maintenance, it won't rot, warp or attract pests, and it can be painted or polished less often. It is energy efficient and environmentally sustainable. Metal is an inexpensive material due to its widespread availability, efficient production and faster construction. It can be manufactured off-site and assembled at the construction site, reducing labour costs and reducing the need for skilled workers. The metal's durability and longevity make it a cost-effective choice for construction companies.


Allen Brown (2022) The Many Benefits of Using Metal as The Main Building Material. Available at: (Accessed: May 2023)

Britannica (last updated 2023) Metal. Available at:,and%20high%20reflectivity%20of%20light. (Accessed: May 2023)

Morecambe Metals (2022) How is Metal Used in the Construction Trade. Available at: (Accessed: May 2023)

Rotax Metals (2023) Metals used in construction. Available at: (Accessed: May 2023)

Image reference

Selmach (2020) 10 things you never realised you didn’t know about metal. Available at: (Accessed: May 2023)
